The project
KID_ACTIONS aimed to address cyberbullying among children and adolescents through interactive education and gamification within formal and non-formal learning settings at the EU level. We supported teachers, educators, and youth workers in fostering effectiveness and efficiency in education about risks and effects of cyberbullying, raised awareness among secondary school students and youth centres, and encouraged reporting by victims and bystanders.
- Project coordinator: Sara Tonelli (Senior Researcher at FBK)
- Project managers: Serena Bressan, Alessia Torre (Project Managers at FBK)
- Financial manager: Mara Gruber (Financial Manager at FBK)

The Work plan was:
- WP1 – Project management and coordination
(led by Serena Bressan and Alessia Torre – Project Managers at FBK) - WP2 – Socio-technical requirements and multi- dimensional methodology
(led by Tamara Gojkovic – Secretary General of Youth for Exchange and Understanding) - WP3 – Digital Education Platform
(led by Alessio Palmero Aprosio – Researcher at FBK) - WP4 – Training and educational path
(led by Francesca Cesarotti – Senior Human Rights Educator, Trainer and Facilitator at Amnesty International Italia) - WP5 – Dissemination, awareness-raising, and networking strategy
(led by Sabrina Vorbau – Programme Manager at European Schoolnet)
These were the expected results/outcomes:
- improved and shared awareness on cyberbullying through the KID_ACTIONS Digital Education Platform;
- more of efficiency and effectiveness of the actions of PAs, NGO/ CSOs, educational staff, children and adolescents in addressing cyberbullying;
- protecting victims and facilitating reporting;
- strengthened stakeholders’ cooperation;
- easier dissemination and exploitation of the project solutions.

As regards the expected impact, KID_ACTIONS:
- empowered young people to recognise and react effectively against cyberbullying through a Digital Education Platform including an advanced social media monitoring system and gameful education tools, as well as tailored educational toolkits, which were co-created and experimented by above 1,000 children and adolescents with their educators across 10 European countries. This also encouraged victims to report their experiences;
- fostered a wider dialogue with stakeholders in education, in order to adopt a co-creative and evidence-based approach to prevent and countered cyberbullying through education, and strengthen cross-border coalition building through the KID_ACTIONS Lab.