Kick-off preventIng and responDing to children and AdolesCenT cyberbullyIng through innovative mOnitoring and educatioNal technologieS
REC Action Grant [REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2020] – 24 months [01.01.2021 – 31.12.2022]
The KID_ACTIONS project has been finished in December 2022.
This website remains available as repository of the articles, resources and materials developed in the project lifespan to tackle cyberbullying.
We supported teachers, educators, and youth workers in fostering effectiveness and efficiency in education about risks and effects of cyberbullying.
We raised awareness among secondary school students and youth centers, and encouraged reporting by victims and bystanders.
We fostered a wider dialogue with stakeholders in education, in order to adopt a co-creative and evidence-based approach to prevent and counter cyberbullying through education.
We empowered young people to react effectively against cyberbullying through a Digital Education Platform including an advanced social media monitoring system.
The latest news from KID_ACTIONS project
The Future of Combating Cyberbullying: Possibilities and Challenges from Technological Developments – Interview with Valerio Basile
Authors: Valerio Basile (University of Turin), Sophie Smit (European Schoolnet) Cyberbullying is a socio-technical problem that can occur on different social networking sites, and it can be extremely difficult to detect and combat. One of the promising techniques,...
The Power of Youth Participation in the Fight against Cyberbullying – a Spotlight on Safer Internet Day 2022
Author: Sophie Smit (European Schoolnet) On Tuesday, 8 February 2022, we celebrate Safer Internet Day. On this day all stakeholders will be called upon to work together to create a better internet, especially for children and young people. The Safer Internet Day (SID)...
International Day of Education – Using Education to Combat Cyberbullying
Author: Rita Marques, Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU) In celebration of the role of education for peace and development, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed, in 2018, to 24th of January as the International Day of Education. In 2022, as we...