
Fondazione Bruno Kessler – Italy
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Coordinator) with its Center for Information and Communication Technology (FBK-ICT) focuses on high quality research with impact to market and society. FBK- ICT is an internationally renowned center established in 1986 for conducting research on Artificial Intelligence (AI). FBK ICT Center joins the Consortium with the: 1) Impact Area Digital Society, aimed at improving sustainability and quality of life by engaging the whole community in a living lab for experimenting innovative solutions able to meet societal challenges; 2) Impact Area Health & Wellbeing, aimed at designing and implementing technology platforms based on AI techniques to make citizens more acquainted managers when it comes to their health and treatment.

Provincia autonoma di Trento – Italy
The Autonomous Province of Trento (also called PAT or Trentino) is a mountainous region located in the northern part of Italy with about 500,000 inhabitants. PAT possesses a special form of autonomy with wide legislative and administrative powers in many important fields. It will participate in KID_ACTIONS with the: 1) Department of Education and Culture that is responsible for the enhancement and modernisation of the educational and scholar system in the province with 650 schools and over 10.000 teachers; 2) Department of Health and Social Policies that manages social policies, public welfare, social security, health policies and integrated social and health policies; 3) Agency for Family, Parenting and Youth Policies that seeks to enhance the dynamic and proactive role of families and young people in society.

Amnesty International Italia – Italy
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million people in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end abuses of human rights. Amnesty International Italia is the Italian branch of the global movement who take injustice personally and campaign for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. Amnesty International Italia is active in the whole Italy and, through its Human Rights, Education and Training Unit, will involve the schools part of its “Human Rights Friendly Schools” project in the KID_ACTIONS National Pilot. Through human rights education young people can empower themselves and others to develop the skills and attitudes that promote equality, dignity and respect in their communities, society and worldwide.

Youth for Exchange and Understanding – Belgium
Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU) works to promote peace, understanding and co-operation between the young people of the world, in a spirit of respect for human rights. It involves young people from over 30 countries from across Europe and Africa and is run (mainly on a voluntary base) by young people for young people by means of a democratic structure. YEU, in 1989, was recognised as a member association of the European Coordination Bureau (E.C.B.) and is also a member of the European Youth Forum. YEU uses non-formal education methods to increase tolerance and awareness between young people from different countries, cultures and traditions. Using a global education dimension and intercultural learning activities, YEU leads the KID_ACTIONS European Pilot.

European Schoolnet – Belgium
European Schoolnet (EUN) is a network of 32 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, it aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning to its key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners. Since its founding in 1997, European Schoolnet has used its links with education ministries to help schools make effective use of educational technologies, equipping both teachers and pupils with the skills to achieve in the knowledge society. In particular, it pledges to:support schools in achieving effective use of ICT in teaching and learning, improve and raise the quality of education in Europe, and promote the European dimension in education.